Monday, December 5, 2011

The Flight

Hey! Sorry about not posting since I got here I've been wiped! Jet lag is no fun let me tell you. I thought I'd do a post about the flights for now and then later do a post about Hawaii.

We left home Wednesday afternoon last week to meet the K's at the hotel as the plane left at 7:30 in the morning the next day. We got to the hotel around 4:30 just after the K's got there we exchanged hugs all around and got settled into our rooms. Mom, Dad and Ben were in 1 room, Aunt Sarah, Uncle Keven, Caleb, and Isaac were in another, and Beka, Abby, Charis, and I were in the last room. We spent the evening just hanging around talking, watching a movie, creating costumes from the top sheet on the hotel bed, and in Charis's case jumping on the beds.

Abby sitting in our hotel room just chillin

Charis on the bed having just jumped on it

The next morning we got up at o'dark thirty (10 till 4) to catch the 4:30 shuttle to the airport. We made it down there and the shuttle took us over to the airport. It was still dark and man was it cold. We got in line to check our bags. You should have seen the number of bags we brought. There were 2 for each of us and 7 of us traveling. It took us a while to check our bags and then it was time to say good bye to my family. I have to be honest it was harder than I thought it was going to be. My mom and sister and even my dad were crying and I was a little too. It wasn't till I we went through security that I felt completely OK. We then sat around our gate waiting for the time to load. We ate some breakfast and just chilled. The first flight was only around 3 hours so it wasn't too bad. Charis was my seatmate and the boys were behind us with Aunt Sarah, Uncle Kevin and Abby next to us.

The view from our window.

My little seatmate

The good lookin gang in the row next us

The boys behind us playing on their nooks

This poor man was so squished he couldn't put the laptop on the tray

We arrived in Texas and went into a room with seats so we could just gather information. The kids were charging their nooks and just running around. I looked and saw Charis doing this

I laughed and said something about how great it was to be 7. Charis said back to me "Rachel, you should be seven. Cause it's the life."
Yep, I'd say so.

We made it to our gate and the flight was delayed so we were sitting around. We went and bought some wraps and then boarded the plane for the long flight. It was a very, very, very long flight. I afraid I didn't take any pictures. Finally we made it too Honolulu, and took a short connecting flight to Kona. By this time it's like 2 in the morning our time. I was so exhausted. It was one of those times I felt like I was in a dream. It really didn't seem real I was in Hawaii. We were greeted by Aunt Sarah's parents and sister who are working in the same crossroad that they are. We made home and collapsed. We have been having a marvelous time and some time soon I will post about the campus and Hawaii in general.

Till then!

~ Rachel


  1. Thanks for the travel diary!! I'm glad you are there and hopefully all rested by now!! I look forward to your next entry!!!
    <3 ya, Jeannie
